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Introduction to Bankruptcy Basics

The master class on bankruptcy principles covered key concepts such as the constitutional basis of bankruptcy law, the role of the bankruptcy code…

Automatic Stay

Deborah Thorne, a bankruptcy judge, explains the automatic stay, a key provision in the Bankruptcy Code that protects debtors from creditor…

Executory Contracts

Thomas Salerno, a lawyer with over 40 years of experience in bankruptcy and restructuring, discussed executory contracts in bankruptcy. He…

Preferential Transfers

Judge Daniel Collins, a bankruptcy judge with 11 years of experience, discussed preferential transfers and transfer avoidance in a master class.…

Claims Discharge

Deborah Thorne, a bankruptcy judge, explains the concept of claims and discharge in bankruptcy. Claims are broadly defined in section 1015 of the…

General Bankruptcy Ethics

Judge Dan Collins discussed the importance of ethics in bankruptcy law, emphasizing the need for lawyers to adhere to the Rules of Professional…

Life Cycles of a Chapter 13, Chapter 11, and Subchapter V

Kelly Barnhart, a Chapter 13 trustee, discusses the life cycles of Chapter 11, Subchapter 5, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases. She outlines the…

Voidable Transfers

Discusses in more detail how to bring back assets that the debtor transferred to creditors ahead of its bankruptcy, in order to ensure equitable…